Star wars battlefront shock blaster
Star wars battlefront shock blaster

star wars battlefront shock blaster star wars battlefront shock blaster

The mod is compatible with Instant Action Overhaul 1.02 and other new reinforcement mods made using the Gameplay Handler/Merger plugin. Blaster Choices in STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT News PS4 Xbox One PC Star Wars Battlefront EA Games DICE about 5 years ago by Former GT Staff Writer EA Games published an interview this morning with the team developing the weapons in Star Wars Battlefront. The Shock Trooper is a new reinforcement added to Instant Action on the side of the Galactic Empire. Right Ability - Disruption - A modified diffusion device which creates a burst of ionized energy that overheats enemy weapons, defuses explosives, and temporarily disables turrets. Middle Ability - SE-14C - The SE-14C is a blaster pistol that fires 5-round bursts, making it ideal for close-quarter combat. Left Ability - Shock Launcher - A weapon that fires canisters which administer an electric shock that deals damage over time. Weapon - DLT-19 - The DLT-19 is a heavy blaster with an excellent rate of fire that deals heavy damage at long range, capable of pinning down troops and taking out large groups of enemies. Gamemodes - Supremacy, Missions Attack, Missions Defend, Extraction (IAO), Blast (IAO)

star wars battlefront shock blaster

Using a combination of heavy weaponry and experimental technology, the Empire's elite are a force to be reckoned with. Specially selected from the Stormtrooper Corps, Shock Troopers serve on the frontlines.

Star wars battlefront shock blaster